Activities & Wellness

Continuing Education for Seniors: How to Take Advantage of Lifelong Learning

Irene only had one regret. She’d always wanted to learn to speak Italian but never had the money to take classes when she was young. She came close, once. After saving almost enough for an Italian class at her local university she found out she was pregnant with her first child. All of a sudden, Irene’s priorities changed and her dream of learning Italian and traveling to Italy faded into the background.

Grandma Camp Ideas for Your San Francisco Weekend

My grandma loved to have my cousins and me over for weekends or for whole weeks during the summer. We never called it Grandma Camp, but she used to refer to her family gathering space as Mother Goose’s Kitchen. There were times when we got to be unconditionally creative, sing and dance with abandon, and get to know each other better in the context of fun.

Seniors Dietary Needs: Key Foods and Cooking Tips for Good Nutrition

When Janet was young, food was her life. She worked as a chef in one of San Francisco’s largest hotels and spent her weekends making elaborate meals for her family. While she loved cooking and knew so much about food, things started to change when she entered her late sixties.

New Year's Activities for Bay Area Seniors to Ring in 2018

You know what we’re sick of? That Father Time you see every New Year’s Eve. You know what we’re talking about: the cartoonish stereotype sporting a Van Winkle beard, wearily waiting until midnight to turn the the reins over to Baby New Year.

Best Holiday Shows in San Francisco for 2017: Getting Seniors into the Holiday Spirit

Once, for three years in a row, my whole family got together around the holidays to see live shows in the city. Cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents all got dressed up for it. It was a uniquely memorable activity because otherwise distant family members were in town for the season. I’ve missed the tradition since we stopped it many years ago. A tradition like this is a great one to help avoid isolation and loneliness around the holidays. And, because I know my grandma really loved it too, I started looking for holiday shows that will be playing in San Francisco for 2017. We may just reignite that tradition this year, and perhaps you’d like to start one too.